Hi. My name is Janet, and I’m 25 years old. I have used aspartame and the diet products for at least 15 years, which means since I was around 10 years old.
After finding you, I realized that so many of my health symptoms started after I started using aspartame, but then again, I was just a kid when I started using the stuff.
I was too young to know better, and I guess my mom didn’t know.
I would regularly drink diet pop, I was always chewing gum with aspartame in it, and I would eat “sugar free” foods like pudding, Jell-o, flavored water, etc.
I never used Equal, though.
I am married now, and after my husband found your site, I read up on all of the dangers of aspartame. I knew it wasn’t good for me because they had a warning on all the labels.

I just didn’t realize how many side effects it could cause. As a kid, I thought having headaches was just a normal thing because I had them almost everyday.
I found out all of this information just over a week ago. I started cutting out aspartame from my diet immediately.
I had been drinking almost 2 liters of diet pop a day! Then, I switched to a pop with Splenda because I still needed the sweetness. I read up on Splenda and found out that it may not be good for you, but there aren’t many long-term studies out there. So, I just decided to cut out all artificial sweeteners.
I’m constantly “dieting” and found the most success with Somersize (where you basically cut out sugar from your diet). That diet trained me to think that artificial sweeteners are okay.
Not anymore! The only type of sugar that I’m currently eating is from fruits.
I feel so much better!
My headaches are gone, my joint pain has decreased, I’m not fatigued. It’s a miracle.

From Dr. Hull
Thank you for contacting me.
It is very common to restore your health once you stop putting these toxins inside of you every day. And, you used it before puberty and for many years as a young, developing woman.
Sadly, if the truth about the dangers of the chemical sweeteners were mainstream public knowledge, everyone would discover the root of most of their health issues. But, that is exactly WHY the truth is NOT on television and in all the magazines.
They don’t want you to know about it so you will keep buying these products and the drugs needed to counter their side-effects.
You are so smart to stop these chemicals, and your husband is a very loving man to have alerted you to this, too.
Stay well, and always avoid the sweet poison. Remember to check all of your labels, especially on foods that are fat-free and calorie-free. The manufacturers no longer label the diet sweeteners responsibly anymore.
All the best to you and your husband.
If you want to learn more about the diet sweeteners, join my Inner Circle. Remember that you are never alone when you are recovering from an illness!
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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.
Before taking vitamins, consult your doctor; pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking can affect how your body responds to multivitamins.
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