Hi Dr. Hull. My name is Karise from Hendersonville.
I’m a 41 year old female, and I have basically used aspartame and the diet products for well over 15 yrs.
I always had a Diet Coke® or some other diet drink in my hand because they were my main drug of choice.
My hubby has diabetes, so we have all sorts of the diet sweeteners around the house.
My kids use it, too. And yes, my health symptoms started after consuming aspartame.
I was drinking Diet Coke pretty much exclusively every day. I quit drinking them last February, and almost immediately my lower back quit hurting.
It has not hurt since.
I am now convinced that aspartame is dangerous, and I don’t even chew gum with these sweeteners in them anymore. I only drink water and totally unsweetened tea.
I can’t say that I have lost weight, but my lower back has stopped hurting, and it has been worth it.
From Dr. Hull
Dear Karise,
Whenever health issues appear like this, and aspartame has been used as long as you used it, I agree with you that aspartame was the cause.
To help speed up your recovery, take a good multi-vitamin and vitamin C daily, eat raw and fresh foods, and drink of plenty of water.
Slowly but surely when the aspartame is gone, all these health symptoms should go with it.
And, you’ll discover that you are less hungry, and now, you will lose some weight!
Make sure to get your kids off the diet sugars. They are so harmful to growing and developing children – physically and emotionally.
Wishing you and your family the best in health,
– Janet Hull
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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.
Before taking vitamins, consult your doctor; pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking can affect how your body responds to multivitamins.
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