Hi Dr. Hull. My name is Cody, and I’m a 17 year old male.
I’ve been consuming aspartame for 3 1/2 years, and my health symptoms started after I started consuming Great Value No Calorie Sweetener (says made with aspartame), Diet Sam’s Cola (lists aspartame in the ingredients), and lots of NutraSweet sugar free off-brand kool aid.
I also use Equal.
My health symptoms started a few years ago when I started drinking Diet Coke and a whole lot of sugar-free kool aid – it was all I really could drink other than water. It didn’t help that most of my other family members were drinking it, too.
My health got like 10 times worse when I started working out and I needed to drink a lot more.
My hands started going numb, I was extremely dizzy and depressed, and I started having chest pain on the right side of my chest that I assume was related to my liver.
I had no energy what so ever … and I was definitely getting enough to eat, but not too much.
My symptoms started before I started working out, and actually before I started drinking even more of the stuff.
My symtoms included:

- Odd hair growth on the bottom of my arms (half as much as on top of them … and I have more than average on top).
- Hands & feet turned a blue-white-purple-pink polka dots, but then they’d turn gray when I was under stress or if I got cold (not very cold, just chilly), but my mom said my hands were as cold as ice; I’d turn red or white when I was slightly warmer than I’d like to be. My doctor doesn’t think it’s Reynold’s Syndrome, but he suggested it.
- Very sweaty palms.
- I am growing a lot more than average hair on my stomach and chest (not just a “happy trail”, I have more body hair than my dad). Since I started working out and consuming more aspartame than before, I have more hair on my shoulders and on my back under my shoulder blades.
- Very bad anxiety and depression.
- My social skills just died. I always talked *too* much in middle school, and was the “class clown” I guess, but now, I just can’t talk to people anymore. I try to think of things to say, but can’t really think at all anymore.
- I’m so nervous now for *no reason.”
- I avoid people that I don’t know.
- Blood was in my stool, and a lot of it. I don’t have hemorrhoids – they checked.
- I lost a lot of weight without trying (80 pounds in all, but I gained 10 back).
- I stopped wanting sweet things … they seemed gross and didn’t appeal to me at all like they used to.
- Couldn’t pay attention in school anymore, but it’s probably just my stress. I’d start thinking about depressing things during classes, and without realizing it, I’d missed so much of the lesson that I just didn’t care anymore … I’d start thinking about other things while I was reading. While my eyes kept following the words on the paper, before I realized it, I’d have to start over from the last thing I remembered reading.
- Thought about suicide. I wouldn’t actually do it for religious reasons; I just thought about it a lot.
- Dizziness.
- Bad gas.
That’s all I can think of, and I’m pretty sure it’s not just adolescence unless it just hit me 5 times harder than everybody else in the world.
Also, I think my school uses nothing but no calorie sweeteners now that some new law doesn’t allow them to give us sweets or real meat or anything good for us – it was right around the same time I started drinking sugar free things.
Thanks for all of your info, I’m going to stop drinking sugar free things and hope the psychological, neurological, and gastrointestinal symptoms go away.

From Dr. Hull
You are one smart guy. Actually, you are exceptional, and way ahead of your age group! Your observations and perceptions, intuitiveness, and conclusions are smarter than most adults using aspartame and the diet sweeteners.
And you are 100% correct in your conclusions. I am most encouraged.
Everything you have mentioned, all your health symptoms, and all your observations are as accurate as the research proving aspartame and the other diet chemical sweeteners are, indeed, toxic.
The research is out there, and sadly, the profits made in this diet industry have the power to keep the information out of the general public. Big Pharma owns the major TV networks and the mainstream magazines, so they have controlled this information.
This is a reality that is rather scary, actually – the consumer is not hearing the truth.
But, know that this issue is real, it is true, and it is proven by science.
Other countries are not as controlled by Big Pharma and lobbyists in the USA, so they have more awareness about the diet sweeteners, but in America, we just keep using these toxins and we are getting sicker and sicker as a society.
Fatter and more dysfunctional, too.
Sadly, you will discover that little support is out there, and many people will not believe you because the “FDA” approved these diet sweeteners as safe.

Doctors have been told by the AMA to avoid this topic due to lawsuits and because the medical community makes so much money selling the drugs that suppress the side effects caused by these diet sweeteners.
So, expect little awareness and support for the truth that you have realized on your own. All you can do is fix your own health by avoiding diet chemicals, and you can help those who are open to this truth and reality.
At such a young age, you do have a lifetime ahead of you, and you can save many lives by sharing your personal experience and what you have now learned about food toxins.
Maybe you can enter into a career and become a research scientist yourself, or a reporter who reports the truth. Just know that society makes it difficult to promote purity and health as opposed to profits.
Keep up the good work – you are miles ahead of those around you.
Never doubt yourself – but realize that you are one-in-a-million and smarter than the average person. It’s up to your generation to fix this – your generation is our only hope, really!
The best in health.
If you want to learn more about the diet sweeteners, contact me at janethull.com. Remember that you are never alone when you are looking for good health!
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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.
Before taking vitamins, consult your doctor; pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking can affect how your body responds to multivitamins.
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