When you pop open a cola, it fizzes. That’s part of the fun when drinking a cola, right?
The “fizz” comes from tiny bubbles of carbon dioxide trapped inside the sealed container.
Carbon dioxide is a byproduct of carbon. Every time you breathe out, you put carbon dioxide into the air. It is one of your body’s waste products.
Colas and Calcium

Soft drink machines have no place in public places like schools, in my opinion as a mother and a nutritionist.
Carbonated beverages offer growing children nothing nutritionally.
As a geologist, I compare carbonated soft drinks reacting in the human body to water dripping in a cave. Think about this:
Caves form where thick layers of limestone rock containing carbon are found. Water trickles through the soil, and turns slightly acid from the carbon dioxide in the air and from decaying plants in the soil.
This acidic water dissolves the carbonates (carbon) in the limestone. Over a period of time, the water fills with carbonates and other dissolved minerals it collects along the way. The primary mineral dissolved in cave water is calcite, or calcium.
But iron, manganese, and other metals can be found in cave water, too. These minerals are responsible for staining caves with beautiful colors. Water dripping from the roof of a cave forms beautiful formations called stalactites and stalagmites.
As the water slow-drips, the minerals build up over time.
This mineral combination is known as calcium carbonate.

From A Cave To Your Soda
When you drink a carbonated soft drink, you are drinking dissolved carbon, like cave water. Burp the dioxide and the remaining carbon flows through your body like mineral-rich water trickling through a cave.
The acidic water from the soft drink dissolves the other minerals in your body that it collects along the way, specifically calcium from your bones and teeth.
This is NOT a good thing.
Your body disposes of the dissolved minerals by crystallizing the calcium in “your cave” – your body – depositing them in the form of bone spurs and arthritis pain.
Ah – your very own stalactites and stalagmites!
In a nutshell, sodas combine with the calcium in your body to form calcium carbonate, just like in a cave. This is not healthy, especially for young children who are still growing.
Many soft drink users blame their health problems on the caffeine or the sugar in them. I think it is important to recognize that this carbonated chain of events created by the soft drink itself is the fundamental concern.
Caves are beautiful. Just not inside of your body ……
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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.
Before taking vitamins, consult your doctor; pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking can affect how your body responds to multivitamins.
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