One of the biggest mistakes people make is returning to their bad habits.
Every great and deep difficulty bears in itself its own solution. It forces us to change our thinking in order to find it.
—Niels Bohr (Danish physicist first to apply the quantum theory; Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922.)
Seeking optimal health can fail because after a trauma is over, people are tempted to return to their old habits.
Get back to the basics of living a balanced, wholesome, and loving life, and stick it with it as a lifestyle.
Erase those old tapes.
I wrote the last chapter in my detox book to remind you that when things look dark and hopeless, you CAN make positive changes to turn your life around – no matter how crazy the options look at the moment.
One of the most important things we all must do is stay positive and remember that change isn’t always easy, but it’s natural.
Birth has pain, and look at the wonderful results.
Strength doesn’t always come easy – it takes positivity, a lot of nurturing, and personalcommitment to stay strong, and it can actually be one of the hardest things to master. But, it’s worth fighting for because it takes strength, and faith, to reverse negativity, illness, and fear.
What we’re witnessing today is a reset –a rebirth – in a cyclical evolution of the mind, body and spirit. All living things must continue to grow, mature, and season. No matter your age, we never stop learning, changing, or improving –from trees, wild animals, rivers and streams to humans – all life must keep moving forward to be better.
All life must keep moving upward toward a better state of being.
Remember that it’s easier to be negative – it takes work and discipline to stay positive.
Good health, both physical health and mental health, is the most powerful tool you can have to advance your health.
Illness, sadness, or physical pain are platforms for change, and if you work hard to resolve your challenges, you come come out of a challenge wiser, kinder, and more positive.
Then, pay it forward and help those who are still struggling on their path to greatness.
Fresh foods that nature creates promote health and pleasure.
Starting Over
Remember when seeking optimal health, don’treturn to old habits.
Try starting over from scratch and stick with it.
Get back to the basics.
Eat less pre-packaged foods, buy organic when possible (I realize this can be hard and expensive), but do the best you can;
Eat for your blood type (not every diet is right for everyone);
Drink ample water daily from natural sources instead of sodas, sweetened or diet drinks, or alcohol;
Get outside in nature everyday, and get at least 20 minutes a day of vitamin D from sunshine;
Maintain some form of regular exercise;
Get plenty of rest (take naps when needed);
Detox periodically.
It’s important to exercise and get some sunshine every day.
Exercise can be challenging for many people for different reasons, but everyone should keep their body “moving” in some capacity. Find what works best for you, and commit to a program for your lifetime.
Twenty minutes of sunshine each day is enough to provide life-saving vitamin D. Sing. Dance. Volunteer. Keep a smile on your face more than a frown.
Make positive changesone step at a time, but these basic steps can make the difference in how you feel, your energy level, how healthily you age, how you sleep, and in your libido.
And most of all – stay positive.Negativity is an addiction, and it’s easier to be negative than to be positive. Don’t listen to people around you who want to pull you into their negativityand fear.
Learn to be happy with yourself and enjoy some time alone.
Get plenty of rest, and enjoy a nap when needed.
Stay Positive
Things get better when you choose for them to be better. The caveat at the end of chaos is the rebirth of an understanding that the old ways need to change – evolve – improve – educate.
No matter the challenge, turning negativity to positivity and to logical, loving solutions might not be easy, but all that matters is that we find our way by standing up to fear of the unknown.
Stay positive.
If you want to learn more about healthy living and disease prevention, contact me at Remember that you are never alone when you are looking for good health!
Gain access to all of my online programs, ongoing support, monthly Q&A, and more by joining my Private Inner Circle Membership Program. I look forward to supporting you on your journey to alternative health and wellness.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.
Before taking vitamins, consult your doctor; pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking can affect how your body responds to multivitamins.
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About Janet Hull PhD, CN
Janet Starr Hull, PhD, CN has been working with clients in the holistic health field since 1995. Using natural medicine to cure herself from a diagnosis of Graves’ disease caused by aspartame, Dr. Hull began researching the toxic causes of disease. Today, she is one of the world’s leading experts in environmental toxicology and holistic health and nutrition. Dr. Hull is the first researcher to publicly expose the dangers of aspartame. She has been writing her weekly email newsletter since 2002 covering a variety of holistic health and alternative medicine articles. Connect with Dr. Hull on Facebook, and Google Plus.