No matter your age, everyone needs support – especially during trying times – like today.
When life gets stressful and confusing, your attitude can affect your health. I am a big believer in the mind-body connection, and when I was recovering from an incurable disease, I had to seriously adjust my attitude.
I did.
Everyone, including my doctors and family, kept telling me that there was no hope of naturally recovering from my fate.
I believed that I could heal. I knew if I found the cause of my illness and removed that cause, I could repair my health, and I would recover.
I did!
I was the only one who held that positive thought.
I, indeed, recovered from an “incurable disease.”
Erase Your Old Tapes
You must erase the old tapes looping within your mind when you are faced with a new challenge. If you want to make changes for the better, that is.
I am a big believer in the mind-body connection, and I began a new way of thinking after I faced my death.
I started with admitting that I was more negative than I realized. I still slip into that negative way of thinking from time to time – well, with our current, maddening world these days, it’s hard to stay positive.
That’s a negative statement, isn’t it?
OK – moving on …….
One of the first books that I read on my newly adopted healing journey was Perfect Health by Deepak Chopra. This was the first book that he wrote in 1991. Try to find an original copy because it was revised in 2001, and the original is defiantly the very best.
Then I read his second book in 1993 Quantum Healing.
Starting From Scratch
Let’s get back to your journey …
Diets and new health plans can fail because over time, most people return to their old habits. If you crave sweets and fatty foods, for example, you’ll start to reintroduce them back into your lifestyle.
Try starting over from scratch in a way that you can maintain. Get back to the basics of eating and make changes that you can live with.
Eat less pre-packaged foods; buy organic when possible (I realize this can get expensive, but do the best you can.); eat for your blood type, drink water from natural sources instead of sodas, powdered drinks, or concentrated fruit drinks, and maintain some form of regular exercise.
Exercise can be challenging for many people for different reasons, but everyone should keep their body “moving” in some capacity. Find what works best for you, and commit to a program for your lifetime.
Basically, cut the sugar from your diet, decrease your carbs, and lessen your portions.
These simple steps can make the difference in how you feel, your energy level, how healthy you remain, how you sleep, and in your libido. Don’t wait until tomorrow to begin changing your life—the time is now.
Where To Go From Here
It is important to remove toxins from inside your body as quickly and as safely as possible. Removing toxic chemicals is a two-part process— 1) eating right and 2) cleansing from the chemicals permeating your tissues. Give your body a chance to accept healthy dietary changes by cleansing it first.
Many times, removing toxic foreign chemicals from your body can be as simple as turning your diet around.
One of the most common questions I receive from people wanting to detox is: “How do I remove these chemicals from my body?”
Go to my website and download a copy of my 10-Steps To Detoxification for free. And consider getting a hair analysis to see what toxins may be inside you right now.
You can do this!! Here’s your pep talk.
If you want to learn more about health and disease prevention, contact me at Remember that you are never alone when you are looking for good health!
Gain access to all of my online programs, ongoing support, monthly Q&A, and more. I look forward to supporting you on your journey to alternative health and wellness.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.
Before taking vitamins, consult your doctor; pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking can affect how your body responds to multivitamins.
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