Let’s make some lemonade out of lemons. Today, we are facing one of the worst health crises in modern history – our medical system is breaking down, but this is actually a good thing.
Our health system is broken, but it’s been broken for a long time – we just didn’t see it.
I saw it when I uncovered the corruption behind aspartame approval. I wondered how anyone could knowingly put a neurotoxin into the public food supply and get away with it.
Aspartame has been proven to harm the elderly, threaten the fetus during pregnancy, and harm children.
The big corporations, our government watchdog agencies, and our political leaders have allowed food toxins to remain in the public food supply, and they have been in our medications for decades. Yep, aspartame is in medications.
Why in Heaven’s name would aspartame be in medications? And many of these meds are prescribed for the side effects caused by aspartame and the other diet sweeteners.
Big Pharma and their stockholders are making money off YOU by marketing these products and then by selling you the medications prescribed for the side effects that they cause.

Most of us have been totally unaware of this shell game – until now.
Spin It
We are becoming more aware of hidden secrets kept from us concerning our medical system. As we become more aware of the spin doctors that have played us at the expense of our health, what do we do now?
We can create solutions to repair this broken system. And that’s exactly what we’re doing. We’ll win this health battle, in time.
We are uncovering solutions to the questions behind today’s health challenges.
- We now know to avoid the chemical sweeteners and toxic food additives.
- People are now reading their labels more and choosing better quality products.
- We are choosing more stevia products when we can find them, and eating less sugary processed foods.
- We are teaching our kids about healthy eating.
- We cook at home more than eating at fast food, drive thrus.
- The COVID vaxx mandates have forced us to learn more about preventative health and therapeutics.
- For COVID prevention, many people are now taking vitamins for the first time to avoid getting sick, and they are now feeling better than they have in the past.
- We are more aware of sanitation in overcrowded and public areas.
- People are now learning about immune support and natural immunity.
- We are being forced to face our worst fears.

Never Punch A Skunk
So, as you read this list, adopt some optimism – never punch a skunk. When you see a skunk, you know it’s going to stink if you mess with it, so avoid that drama. Walk away from it, and design solutions to fix the challenge.
We can fix this corrupt medical system. It starts with YOU. Get your personal health and lifestyle in order, and manage your health better than our system is mismanaging it today.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.
Before taking vitamins, consult your doctor; pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking can affect how your body responds to multivitamins.
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