If you are diabetic, you understand how delicate diabetes is. All types of diabetes require a very precise, dietary management, and in today’s world, food chemicals makes this task harder.
Amid all the COVID brew-ha-ha, don’t forget about the dangers if the diet chemical sweeteners.
Going Down The Wrong Road
The sweetener companies no longer need to defend their product safety because we’re all focused on COVID these days, but don’t forget that there’s more than COVID, and the corporate funded studies mean nothing at the end of the day.
The history of aspartame approval proves that they have manipulated what we are “allowed to know.” You don’t hear about the harmful research because the profiteers want to keep you coming back for more.
The focus is very basic – everyone, especially diabetics, need tools for self-help; the proper tools, that is! Today, “sugar-free” marketers want to convince every diabetic that life cannot go on without artificial sweeteners. But remember that diabetes existed long before the sugar-free frenzy, and there were actually fewer diabetics merely twenty years ago than today, and they survived just fine without “diet sweeteners.”
Get Out Of The Trap
Don’t fall prey to the advertisements and the government hypes, and, sorry, but most doctors are tragically misinformed, compromised, and lazily behind the times.
Take control of your diabetes, and your life, by making lifestyle changes such as:
- eating healthier foods with NO FOOD CHEMICALS;
- drinking plenty of pure water and herbal teas;
- maintaining regular exercise.
These simple changes can make living with diabetes much easier and it will put YOU back in control of your health rather than allowing your diabetes to control you.
It’s less expensive, too.
Everyone Is Different
Every case of diabetes is different. Diabetes is a common disease today, but it is still very misunderstood.
Most think diabetes is simply a disease that means you just can’t eat sugar. The artificial sugar industry wants you to believe that fake sugars are totally harmless, and they entice the young into believing that everyone can eat and drink all they want when it’s “sugar-free.”
How well is that working for you?
Big Corps, Big Pharma, and Big Government do not tell you that what works for one person may not work for another. What makes this even more difficult to understand is the fact that diabetes is different for every diabetic – not every person is the same.
Today’s COVID disaster is showing us that medicine is NOT a one-stop-shop. One size does NOT fit all.
This is why no one artificial sweetener company (nor any medical doctor) can make a blanket statement that sweetener products are “safe for all diabetics.” And, they never separate the various diet sweeteners – stevia is actually used in many countries as a therapeutic for diabetes.
Have you been told that?
Get Excited About Better Choices
Don’t lose heart. Having diabetes doesn’t mean that you have to give up the things that are important to you such as enjoying a good meal, working long hours, staying active in sports, or having children. Even traveling can be easy and relatively carefree when you make better dietary choices.
People with diabetes do have to be more conscientious about what and when they eat, but we ALL should be this conscientious about our diets.
Let me say that again – we all should be more conscientious about our diets.
Just because you have diabetes doesn’t mean that you have to use the toxic, chemical foods marketed to you. For families with a diabetic child, it is critical to teach your children the difference between toxic, chemical foods and natural, whole foods.
Be cautious of the “chemical” lifestyle being pushed on you. Stop adding more chemicals into your life, and get back to the basics of living, even if you have diabetes.
Get excited about the better choices out there.
If you want to learn more about healthy living, contact me at janethull.com. Remember that you are never alone when you are looking for good health!
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.
Before taking vitamins, consult your doctor; pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking can affect how your body responds to multivitamins.
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