Pay attention to your hands and what you touch! You expose yourself to germs from everything you touch, and germs tuck under your fingernails. Then, they sneak into your nose and mouth as you touch your face, when you eat, or just scratch an itch – this is how disease spreads. Keeping your hands sanitized is one of the BEST ways to prevent catching a cold, the flu, COVID, and diseases not even named yet.
Most stores now have sanitizing wet wipes at their front doors, and I’m always puzzled when I see people who don’t use the wipes to clean their shopping cart handles, or simply clean their hands as they grab a cart and place their hands on the door handles.
When you are out in the public, keep your hands clean and keep the surfaces clean on everything that you touch. This is much more important than anything else you can do if you want to avoid touching the germs making everyone around you sick.
Focus more on keeping your hands clean and even wear gloves when you go out to public places instead of covering your face with a dirty mask.
Protecting your hands is #1.
And when you wash your hands, carefully clean under your fingernails. Germs tuck up under your nails.

Clean Under Your Fingernails
When you wash your hands, make sure to clean under each of your fingernails. Germs will collect under your nails, so using soap and water, carefully clean under your nails.
This helps prevent disease by eliminating your exposure to germs that are on your hands.
Antibacterial Soaps

I’m not a fan of using the antibacterial products as your primary cleanser because they can strip the healthy bacteria off your skin’s surface.
Antibacterial soaps are no more effective than using regular soap when killing disease-causing germs that you’ve picked up when in public places, and regular soap is less expensive than antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizers.
Regular soap won’t kill the healthy bacteria on your skin’s surface.
If you are in a public area with no soap and water available, keep a bottle of antibacterial soap or wet wipes in your car and use them after you are finished with your public errands.
When you get back home, wash your hands with soap and water, clean under your fingernails, and then use some natural lotion to moisturize your skin.
Washing your hands is an important step to take to prevent getting sick, but don’t forget cleaning under your fingernails!
If you want to learn more about healthy living, contact me at janethull.com. Remember that you are never alone when you are looking for good health!
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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.