Did you know that unlike almost all other animals on Earth, YOU are unable to produce your own vitamin C? Humans, guinea pigs, apes (and all primates), plus one species of bat in India …
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Alternative Health and Holistic Nutrition
Janet Starr Hull has a very diverse background with academic degrees and experience in geology, international geography, environmental science, fitness training and nutrition. She is an OSHA Certified Environmental Hazardous Waste Emergency Response Specialist and Toxicologist, a former firefighter and college professor.
In 1991, Dr. Hull had an unexpected change in career after she was diagnosed with “incurable” Grave’s Disease. Through diligent research and her thorough understanding of toxicity, she later discovered her “Grave’s Disease” was actually aspartame poisoning. She has since worked to inform consumers about the health dangers of artificial sweeteners.
Dr. Hull’s experiences have provided pieces to a life-long puzzle – the damaging effects of artificial sweeteners. She combined her various skills to form a unique application to natural medicine. Her work is based upon the interrelationships of all sciences as she personally discovered “what works in nature, can surely work in man.”
Did you know that unlike almost all other animals on Earth, YOU are unable to produce your own vitamin C? Humans, guinea pigs, apes (and all primates), plus one species of bat in India …
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Now that the "coof" is over, it seems a reoccurrence is predicted for the Fall. I hope not, but it's best to be better prepared this time - start by learning the difference between a droplet or an …
I have been researching the best recipes for making your own baby formula. The best thing that I always do is to go back in time and learn how they made formulas from the beginning. Today, we have so …
No one can question that things are really wonky these days. Inflation and food shortages coming, they say. I am also hearing that baby formula may be hard to find. I'm not writing this to debate …
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I don't eat out a lot, but when I do, I like to go to cafeterias or to small family-owned restaurants. The other night, my son and I went to dinner, and I noticed these colored packets of equal® …
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A massive landfill caught fire during a scorching heat wave in India on April 27, 2022. The landfill is taller than a 17-story building and covers an area bigger than 50 football fields. Toxic …
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