Let’s “raise the flag” on a current issue of great importance – aspartame dangers. Aspartame is one of the most controversial topics in modern time, and its safety concerns are impacting the …
Healthy News
Case History: Loving Husband Helped His Wife Survive Aspartame
My name is DJ from Turlock. My wife and I are 45 years old, and it took me a while to figure out what was making my wife ill, but after reading your stories, I felt I had to write and tell you about …
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Monsanto Protection Act – The HR 933 Provision
Do we criticize Monsanto's business practices or act on Congress' weaknesses? Or Both? The Monsanto Protection Act bars federal courts from being able to halt the sale or the planting of genetically …
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Aspartame In Milk
Google aspartame in milk and you will find many posts about the latest campaign to profit off our children. I am actually glad that this push to place a known carcinogen into the hands of a child …
Whole Foods Market Accepts Monsanto’s GE Crops? Really?
After the USDA decided to deregulate GE alfalfa, on January 28, 2011, the Whole Foods Market website had an update about supporting Non-GMO foods, stating that they will continue to be a strong …
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Case History: Aspartame and Epilepsy
Hi Dr. Hull, My name is Renee; from Minneapolis. I am a 46 year old female, and I have been using aspartame and the other diet products for over 30 years. My health symptoms began after I started …
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