Kidney stones. They can be as painful as childbirth. Maybe more. It takes time before you realize that your kidneys may be blocked with sediments, and by the time that you do realize it, it's …
Your Healthy Green Blood – Chlorophyll
Chlorophyll is the "green blood" of plants, and without chlorophyll, life as we know it would not exist. I don't know about you, but my blood is green ..... I use chlorophyll regularly. I know that …
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What It’s Like To Be A B Vitamin
If B vitamins were people, they would be some of the happiest people you ever met. And they are all team players. B vitamins are so popular, everyone wants to be a B. Actually, there's an entire …
Train Your Brain – How Your Mind Influences Your Health
One of the greatest qualities of being human is our ability to think. Our brains are an amazing information processing center, and humans can analyse, create, interpret, visualize, dream, and …
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Burn, Baby, Burn – The Niacin Flush
One of the key components to my Detox Program - and to any good Detox Program, for that matter - is using B3 niacin. Why? Because B3 niacin is Nature's statin drug. It cleans your blood. And that's …
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Challenging The Zika Virus – Have We Messed In Our Nest?
There are many points about the Zika virus that have raised some red flags, but when the President of Colombia announced that many of its country's citizens were infected with Zika, yet there was not …
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