One of the greatest qualities of being human is our ability to think. Our brains are an amazing information processing center, and humans can analyse, create, interpret, visualize, dream, and cultivate emotions.
This doesn’t make us any better than other life on our beautiful, little planet, but it does make us unique.
Look at your brain as a tremendous gift. We have the ability to do so much because we have complex minds.
And, your thoughts are very powerful.
The Power of Your Mind

I highly recommend reading the work of DeePak Chopra, MD. His first two books introduced me to the influence that your mind has on your health and well-being. I first read Perfect Health in 1991 when I was diagnosed with Grave’s disease and told that I would die if I did not follow a laundry list of very awful medical procedures.
The book has been revised, and I recommend searching for one of the original versions because it is just that – original. His writings were raw and from the heart.
Then I read Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, and after finishing his second book, I fully understood how powerful our thoughts are – especially when facing a very negative health situation.
I realized that if I was going to heal, I had to get out of fear and negativity, and that I had to change my mindset. I had to master the belief that I would get healthy again without surgery, and without a life dependent on medications to stay alive.
Sometimes your negative thoughts are the hardest hurdle to jump when faced with a life or death diagnosis.
I learned that if you want to get well and stay healthy, you must believe that you can.
Your doctor can’t do it for you. Your family can’t make it go away. Only you can control your thoughts. Only you can reset your mind to get to a better place.

Chopra first brought the 5,000-year-old medical system from ancient India known as Ayurveda to American mainstream awareness. You may think that Ayurvedic medicine is airy-fairy, but when you study this ancient philosophy, you will discover that it represents a piece of wellness we Westerners have long forgotten.
Your thoughts are very powerful, and they can make healing from an illness either a very good experience or a living nightmare.
You get to choose through your thoughts.
Party Poopers
Do you know anyone who is negative? We used to call them party poopers back in the day. Well, think about this: the person always talking about how broke they are is usually always broke. The one who constantly fears being in a car accident typically has one, or two, or lots of fender-benders.
The neighbor always worried about getting robbed is the one who gets robbed.
THIS is the power of the mind … if you think about something long enough, it will come to you.
It’s easier to think negative thoughts, but once you become aware that fear and negativity are your mainstay, work to reverse that trend. Push the negative thoughts away as fast as they pop into your head, and replace them with a positive outcome.
Take baby steps because this isn’t always easy. If you have a mindset of negativity driving the bus, slowly but surely, take the driver’s seat, and change your mindset.
Especially when faced with health challenges.
Wishing you all the best in health, and sunny skies ahead.
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