Do you get sleepy after a big meal? Eating the right kind of meal can result in more energy, an improved mental capacity, and positive emotional well-being. Eating the wrong kind of foods can knock …
Don’t Forget – Your Diet Affects Your Memory
Did you know that your diet affects your memory? I figured this out when I was using aspartame. At the time I was drinking diet sodas, I couldn't remember if I'd picked my kids up from school …
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If Your Hair Could Talk, It Would Tell You Why You Are Sick
I think it's important to know why you're sick or why you just can't seem to get well. Your hair will tell you why. Yep, discover the cause of illness using your hair. It is amazing how your hair …
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Keeping Your Cool To Beat The Heat
It's a particularly hot day, and you're sweating a lot. All of a sudden, you feel a little sick and you get a stomach cramp. You might even have some diarrhea or vomiting. It gets worse if you don't …
Stop Taking Your Medications With A Diet Cola
On April 24, 2015, PepsiCo® announced that it was dropping aspartame in Diet Pepsi. The broadcast resonated around the world. But, PepsiCo replaced aspartame with two other controversial sweeteners, …
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Why You Can’t Make Vitamin C When You Need It
Did you know that YOU can't make vitamin C but every animal on Earth does? That's right - your dog and cat make their own vitamin C to stay healthy, but you can't do that. What happened? Humans, …
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