I write a lot about the healthy benefits of lemons, and I'm doing it again. Lemons are a gift from Nature - they balance your health in so many ways. In a nutshell, lemons work so well because they …
Great Changes Ahead – A Historic Turn In The Future Of Vaccines
I never thought that I would be writing an article on the positive potential of vaccines, but COVID has ushered some really great changes out of the past, corrupted vaccine arena. I'll NEVER …
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Q&A: Can I Do Anything About Mold Making Me Sick?
Q: How can I get rid of mold? I have a strong feeling that mold and mold spores have played a major role in my poor physical condition. I've done everything I can think of to figure this out, but …
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Is The Sodium War Over?
Do you remember the war on sodium in the 1980s and 1990s? All you heard was how harmful sodium was for your health. Fake "salts" were created, and sodium was diluted with harmful chemicals and sold …
Could Mask Mandates Lead To Vaccine Mandates?
I'm not a conspiracy theorist, really I'm not. If the current climate today existed in 1991 when I uncovered the health dangers of aspartame, I would have been stopped and discounted as a …
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What Time Does Your Body Clean Your Blood?
Did you know that every evening between 9 - 11 p.m. your body cleans your blood and then dumps the waste into your lymph nodes? When I was studying for my PhD in holistic nutrition, one of my …
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