Are you trying to get pregnant, but not having any luck?
Infertility is increasing in our modern world, and doctors have their opinions about what to do about it, but not why this has become a growing problem.
Very few fertility doctors address topics like aspartame use, yeast (Candida), hormone imbalances caused by hormones in our food and water, or exposure to toxins before puberty.
These are all proven causes of infertility.
Infertility On The Rise
A study at the National Institute of Health in Rockville, Maryland showed that 12 to 18 percent of women have trouble getting pregnant today. This is about 1 in every 6 couples unsuccessfully getting pregnant. According to a recent Canadian census, the rate of infertility in Canada rose from 8.5 percent in 1992 to 15 percent in 2009-2010.
The thing that gets me is this: with all of our modern technology, doctors and medical researchers cannot provide an explanation for what may be causing this rise in infertility. Really?
Look For The Cause
When trying to get pregnant, I always recommend searching for WHY it isn’t working. For instance, many men and women use diet products with aspartame and sucralose, and both of these chemical sweeteners have been proven in peer reviewed studies to cause infertility issues in lab rats. So, STOP all diet chemicals, detox, and restore the nutrients these chemicals rob from your body, and then see how long it takes to get pregnant.
Many women have trouble getting pregnant because of issues with yeast (Candida); something traditional doctors think is hooey. Allopathic doctors do not recognize yeast as a cause of infertility, but many women have gotten pregnant without drugs or surgery by detoxing their bodies from yeast. More people than you think started taking antibiotics early in childhood, and some have been on antibiotics since birth! At least some doctors will admit that taking too many antibiotics can cause yeast infections; they just don’t want to admit that run-a-way yeast can coat the sex glands, the inside and outside of the uterus, the Fallopian tubes, the ovaries, and the prostate.
Caprylic acid is Nature’s old-time remedy for removing layers of yeast that can cause allergies, skin rashes, and infertility. If pure Caprylic acid is too strong for you, there are many good Candida cleanses out there. Find the one that works best for you, but the key is to stick with this program if it is working. Once toxins are on the run, don’t drop them inside of your body before they are completely out.

Natural Tips For Getting Pregnant
Try the following (both for males and females):
- Remove all toxic chemicals from your food and environment;
- No DIET sweeteners;
- Avoid vaccinations such as Gardasil®;
- Limit alcohol, and avoid all drugs (prescribed and OTC);
- Get a hair analysis to determine if you are toxic, and what your nutrient levels are;
- Detox from heavy metals, yeast (Candida) or any other microbes;
- Monitor you body pH;
- Do a hormone saliva test;
- Find an open-minded medical practitioner who respects both allopathic and alternative protocols;
- Detox, detox, and detox;
- Maintain a regular exercise program;
- Get plenty of sleep;
- Drink spring water / mineral water;
- Did I mention detox, detox, detox?
Remove ALL Toxins
It is so important to cleanse your body of all toxins when trying to get pregnant. Detoxing is a critical thing to do when removing old toxins or new toxins affecting your hormone system. Detoxing has worked for many men and women who had hormone imbalances and/or toxins surrounding their sex glands and hormone centers.
Don’t give up hope that once your body is clean of man-made chemicals or yeast upsetting your very delicate reproductive system, getting pregnant can be your reward. This may not work for everyone, but it’s a great place to start, regardless.
Sometimes it can be that simple!