As men age, their testosterone levels fall and the chance for prostate issues goes up accordingly. Research shows that the higher your testosterone level stays, the lower your rate of prostate problems and cancer.
The Studies
A Harvard Medical School study found that men with low testosterone had the most advanced prostate cancers. They studied men with prostate cancer and measured their free, bioavailable testosterone levels – not their bound unavailable levels.
They stated in the study: “In our study, patients with prostate cancer and low free testosterone had more extensive disease. In addition, all men with a biopsy Gleason score of 8 or greater had low serum free testosterone. This finding suggests that low serum free testosterone may be a marker for more aggressive disease.
“However,” the study continued, ” in patients with low versus normal free testosterone, there was an increased mean percent of biopsies that showed cancer (43% versus 22%) and an increased incidence of a biopsy Gleason score of 8 or greater (7 of 64 versus 0 of 48). The lower the free testosterone level the more aggressive the growth of the cancer.”
Solutions And Prevention

If a man has prostate issues, I highly recommend that he test his level of testosterone. If it is low, I recommend raising it by supplementing with the nutrients listed below and/or taking melatonin, pregnenolone, and using transdermal progesterone creams.
Always consult with your primary medical practitioner, though, and let him/her know the supplements that you are taking. Here are some of the natural supplements known to support prostate health:
1. Saw Palmetto berries extract (not the powder) with 85%-95% fatty acid content.
2. Urtica Dioica (the root, not the leaves).
3. African Pygeum (the bark, which contains the beneficial sterols) from regulated and legally harvested trees in Spain.
4. Zinc: the prostate requires ten times more zinc than any other organ in your body, but if you don’t get the right kind of zinc, your body won’t absorb it. Zinc “piccolinate” has been shown in laboratory tests to shrink a swelling prostate. I recommend taking 50 mg. of zinc piccolinate before bed five times a week, but only if your hair analysis shows you to be low in zinc.
5. Lycopene: the best-known antioxidant for your prostate. You’ll find it in tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables.
6. Selenium: an important antioxidant. Men who live in areas of the world where the soil is rich in selenium have lower rates of prostate cancer. I recommend 200 to 400 mcg every other day, as an average, safe dose.
7. Vitamins A & E: two important antioxidants that work together to fight free radicals that deposit within the prostate gland. Vitamin E also improves the function of your immune system. A recent study in Finland found a 33% reduction in the rate of prostate cancer in men who took vitamin E, compared to men who took a placebo. I recommend a maximum of 10,000 IU A and 800 IU E every other day.
Start Now
Begin feeding your body healthy nutrients BEFORE you start having problems with your prostate. Maybe then, you won’t ever have any problems – that’s the goal, isn’t it?