To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? This is a bigger question today than ever in human history. Why?
Well, like most everything these days, vaccines aren’t what they used to be, and today’s complex world demands more and more of them, and at younger and younger ages.
We are administering more vaccines than ever before, but is this really healthy?
What do you do? Who do you believe? It’s a hard spot to be in.
I empathize with today’s new parents facing hard decisions about if and when to start vaccinating their babies; how many vaccinations do they inject into their tender bodies, and when does the list of the growing number of inoculations ever end?
As the years progress, more studies continue to connect a new generation of vaccines to autism, ADD/ADHD, and immune suppression. This complicates matters all the more.
To stay on the safe-side of this issue, here are some safety tips that you can try if you choose to be vaccinated.
- Learn the history of vaccines and how they have changed over the years;
- Not every vaccine is the same, so scrutinize the manufacturing quality and the vaccine-makers;
- Find out exactly what you are vaccinating for;
- Split the doses to play it safe in case you have a bad reaction;
- Shop your doc; find a doctor willing to work things out with you;
- Be conservative;
- Detox.
How Vaccines Got Started

Learning the history of vaccines clarifies many of the safety issues that we are facing today because it exposes how vaccines have changed over the years.
Vaccines were very different 30, 40, 50+ years ago. Just like aspartame, MSG, antibiotics, and growth hormones, something happened in the late 1980s-1990s to lessen the quality of the chemicals found in the public food supply – and in medications and vaccines.
The history of vaccines and immunizations begins with Edward Jenner, an English country doctor who in 1796 performed the world’s first vaccination. Jenner’s interest in natural history and animal biology sharpened his medical understanding of the role of human-animal trans-species boundaries in disease transmission.
(That’s a mouthful to merely state how humans react to contagious diseases.)
Jenner was so skilled a naturalist that he was invited (although he declined) to join Captain Cook’s second voyage to the South Seas to classify flora and fauna.
Today, the world’s pharmaceuticals are no longer made from flora and fauna, but are created in the laboratories of the companies that genetically modify animals and design prosthetic GMO plants.
We have moved from naturalist to GE manufactured, which changes the human-animal trans-species boundaries.
(That’s a mouthful to merely state that modern humans are now altering nature’s DNA, which in turn alters the way we react to contagious diseases.)

The New Generation of Vaccines
Always question the manufacturing quality of any vaccine that you inject into your body.
- Choose the highest quality manufacturer;
- Question the quality of all ingredients;
- If you don’t have a choice of pharmaceutical manufacturers, then question why not;
- If possible, choose a vaccination that has a natural foundation as opposed to a man-made chemical base;
- Different vaccines contain different ingredients, so learn which labs alter live or inactivated viruses and bacteria, which ones add chemicals, metals, proteins, antibiotics, and human, animal and insect DNA and RNA.
Before You Vaccinate
Before you vaccinate, find out exactly what you are vaccinating for. You can always trim this list if you choose, and you can always postpone some of these vaccines; they will surely be available in the future.
Here’s a list of vaccines today to get you started:

- BIRTH (12 hours) Hepatitis B
- 2 MONTHS Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, HIB, Rotavirus, Hepatitis B, PCV
- 4 MONTHS Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, HIB, Rotavirus, PCV
- 6 MONTHS Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, Rotavirus, Hepatitis B, PCV, Influenza
- 7 MONTHS Influenza
- 12 – 18 MONTHS Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Measles Mumps Rubella, HIB, PCV, Varicella, Hepatitis A (2)
- 2 – 6 YEARS Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, Measles Mumps Rubella, Varicella, Influenza (5)
- 7-18 YEARS Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Influenza (12), HPV (3), Meningococcal (2)
Split The Doses
Remain conservative, and eliminate combining the different types of vaccines given all at once.
According to the National Vaccine Information Center, in 1976, 1 child in 30 was learning disabled. By 2013, 1 child in 6 was learning disabled. In 1990, 1 child in 555 developed autism. By 2013, 1 child in 50 developed autism.
In 1983, the CDC recommended 23 doses of 7 vaccines (DPT, MMR, polio) between two months and age six. By 2013, the CDC recommended 49 doses of 14 vaccines between the day of birth and age six, and 69 doses of 16 vaccines between the day of birth and age 18.
In 1983, the CDC directed doctors to give a child no more than 4 vaccines (DPT, polio) simultaneously. By 2013, the CDC directed that a child can receive 8 or more vaccines all at once.

When you consider that a child can receive 49 DOSES OF 14 VACCINES BEFORE AGE 6, and a total of 69 DOSES OF 16 VACCINES BY AGE 18, splitting the doses means getting less-stressful amounts at one time, which is healthier for the immune system.
Also consider inoculating for acute diseases, like flu or pneumonia, only when needed.
We all can see that chronic disease and disability among children has increased dramatically decade by decade. Today, America’s children are the most highly vaccinated children in the world, and also among the most chronically ill and disabled.
- Err on the side of caution by going back to a 1983 vaccine schedule, which equates to splitting the vaccines into 1/3 doses and decreases the number of inoculations given all at one time;
- Shop your doc; if your doctor refuses to help you modify a precautionary vaccination schedule, then fire your doctor and search for one who will work with you, your children, or your aging parents.
Don’t hesitate to interview your doctors; they work for you, remember? Request a free introductory consultation before you commit to following your doctor’s advice, and find a doctor who makes you feel comfortable when asking these very important questions.
As with exposure to any man-made chemicals inside of your body, after vaccinating, start a 2-3 week detox to remove any residual chemicals that your body did not uptake or assimilate. You can actually begin a detox within 48 hours after vaccinations, especially if you are having a negative reaction to the vaccines.
Make sure to let your doctor know if you have a negative reaction to any vaccine. This information should be noted in your medical records.
Children can safely detox using natural detoxification protocols, but use 1/4 to 1/2 doses depending on their age and weight. Some adults begin detoxification programs a week before inoculations, and continue for another 2 weeks after vaccinating. This is commonly done when traveling overseas or in the military.
I prefer using the French Green clay when detoxing because it is gentle, and natural. If you have a strong or chronic reaction to vaccinations, however, you can also do a parasite cleanse, which removes residual microbes found in some vaccines that may become – well, parasites – circulating within your body.
Play The Conservative Card

It is so hard to know what to do about the growing number of vaccines today. One thing for sure, the number of required vaccines continues to increase year by year.
Considering that the research (and propaganda) from both sides of this issue is heating up the vaccine safety debate, just err on the side of caution, and play the conservative card. When deciding what’s best for you or your children, keep an open mind.
Don’t base your decisions on fear, don’t let anyone bully you into doing something that you do not want to do (shame on the doctors who bully their patients), and always defend your right to make these personal decisions for yourself.
Injecting a chemical vaccine into your body is a very serious thing, but this is your personal freedom of choice. Simply play it smart, and never stop erring on the side of caution.
FYI if you need assistance:
Serious vaccine reactions should be documented in medical records and promptly reported to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS).
Under the federal vaccine injury compensation program (VICP), more than $2.5 billon has been paid to vaccine injured individuals, as well as to families, whose children have died after vaccination in the U.S.
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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss vaccinations with your own, qualified health care provider before making any changes to your vaccine program.