Gardasil’s safety has been challenged for almost a decade, and what’s interesting is that today – this very moment – nothing has changed over the years for the better.
The propaganda from the pro-Gardasil camp hasn’t changed; the continuous attempts to mandate the vaccine haven’t lessened, yet the dangerous side effects have increased.
Deaths and physical harm from Gardasil are climbing. The irreversible side-effects are sky rocketing.
Pushing Gardasil® Safety
I first learned about Gardasil in 2010 when former Texas Governor Rick Perry started pushing legislation to mandate that all young girls have the Gardasil shot. I, like thousands of other mothers, was incensed at the loss of freedom this imposed on personal and parental decisions.
The legislation was not passed in Texas, thank goodness, but the actions Perry attempted to take were disturbing and dumbfounding. I wondered at the time if he, or other State Governors, would keep trying to mandate this vaccine.
I was right, unfortunately.
Seventh-graders in all public and private schools in Rhode Island are now required to get the HPV vaccine.
Nothing’s changed for the better. It’s the same ole’ song, just a different verse – and, it’s sung much louder these days.

Mandating the Gardasil vaccine is still being pushed on concerned parents, despite the fact that the HPV vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix®, are among the most controversial of the current vaccines. The source of this controversy is the alarming number of adverse reactions being reported today, such as the one seen in this video.
Side Effects
According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 139 deaths were attributed to the Gardasil vaccine over a mere two month period in 2011. In addition to the deaths, the adverse-reaction reports a number of severe side effects, including:
- seizures
- paralysis
- blindness
- pancreatitis
- speech problems
- short-term memory loss
- Guillain-Barre Syndrome
VAERS has also documented 1,543 disabilities from the vaccines, 9,675 victims who have never recovered from the vaccines, 18,427 hospital emergency visits caused from the vaccines, where 4,642 were admitted, and another 6,266 cases were diagnosed as serious.
In totality, there have been an estimated 47,370 adverse effects to Gardasil and Cervarix worldwide, including death.
This is NOT disclosed to any parent. And this is NOT on mainstream news. This is shoddy medicine likened to a game of Russian Roulette using your children.

No Health Warnings?
No one administering these vaccine seems to be aware of the harmful side affects of Gardasil; therefore, no one is warning parents of the possible dangers. In order to make any responsible decision, on any issue, any parent or guardian deserves to know all sides of any issue regarding the welfare of their child.
A parent has the right to intervene. But today, our government, working on behalf of Big Pharma, is taking away that right.
And children are dying.
Shame on our elected leaders.
Connecting The Dots
What binds all these deaths together? Well, when you connect the dots and consider that the serious adverse reactions to these vaccines, added to the fact that these children were all perfectly healthy prior to receiving the vaccines, result in some serious concerns about the motives behind Gardasil/Cervarix.
The American FDA remains satisfied that these adverse case reactions are rare, coincidental, and probably not related to ANY HPV vaccine. The FDA insists that underlying conditions must have caused these reactions.
Well, OK then. If underlying toxic and very dangerous conditions were present before the vaccinations, then the vaccines should never have been administered to that particular child, and the parent had the right to intervene.
Who’s acting as the responsible party here? The government, Big Pharma, or the parents?
Who To Believe

At the end of the day, mandating HPV vaccines supports gross irresponsibility and screams of corruption and ignorance from our leaders. Jennifer Hough writes in the Irish Examiner that no one is willing to prove why all these young girls are getting sick, and worse, dying.
Sadly, permanent damage from these vaccines, including DEATH, are disrespected by the medical community and labeled as anecdotal reporting and not scientific data.
But, you must understand that there is never a review of medical records; there is no inquest into a causal relationship, and no action is ever taken by the medical community to adjudicate any relationship to the vaccines.
To the families who are living with a child whose life has been destroyed by these HPV vaccines: I hope that you receive the justice you so deserve.

To the politicians who defend the loss of a parent’s freedom to refuse these questionable vaccines: I hope you lose reelection and, hence, your gravy-train. You’ll get your payback in the end. And it won’t be in the form of money or pharmaceutical stock options.
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