Everyone should detox to clean their bodies of everyday toxins, but if you’ve been in the military, this especially applies to you.
Agent Orange. Mustard gas. DDT. Anthrax. Thorium. Thallium. Aluminum. Barium. Lithium. Comtrails, Chemtrails. Vaccines. Bad food. Dirty water. Microorganisms. War chemicals.
You name it, and you’ve probably been exposed to it.
What’s the solution? Detox, detox, detox.
Keep It Simple
The first step to take when detoxing is to get a hair analysis. Detoxing is good to do at any time, but it is extremely effective when you KNOW what you’re detoxing.
Especially if nasty, undigested chemicals have been inside of you for a while.
The hair analysis is a great tool to explore what toxic elements may have deposited inside of your body. Actually, it’s the only tool that I know of to expose past toxic exposure.
Don’t think that once you leave the military, all your toxins left, too. Many times, once toxins have gotten into your tissues, fat cells, or organs, they might not get out without some assistance.
Detox as your lifestyle. I have been detoxing regularly since I almost died from aspartame poisoning in 1991. We live in a toxic world these days, but you can do something about it by keeping your body clean of toxic chemicals.
I recommend starting with a hair analysis to see what toxins may still be inside of you. This way, you can determine if exposure is current or from your past. Then detox to remove the source, if still exposed, and clean your body through detoxing.
Keep it simple.
How Long?

One of the most common questions I am asked is how long do I need to detox?
My answer depends on several factors, but generally, your hair analysis results will determine how long you need to detox.
I also study your level of essential nutrients because they contribute to how long you should detox and to the time needed to restore any low or depleted vitamin levels.
For me, I detox as a part of my daily lifestyle, and I will detox for the rest of my life. If you have been in the military, or are still in the service, I highly recommend that you detox as a part of your everyday lifestyle.
Thank you all for defending our freedom, and for your bravery to stand up for world peace. But never forget to take care of your own health so that you can enjoy the peace and freedom that you have fought to defend.