CaneFields (Click on the video link and it will download. Then click on it again to play.)

Life is full of neat coincidences. I am an artificial sweetener expert, and I never dreamed that I would wind up living across the road from sugar cane fields.
Sugar cane is the root of natural sweeteners, from pure cane sugar to refined sugar to some diet sweeteners.
I live on a 16 acre wildlife preserve in South Texas, and I am surrounded by sugar cane fields. As an artificial sweetener expert, I must confess that I had no experience with the reality that the sugar industry really does begin in the sugar cane field.
What a neat observation.
From The Field To The Grocery Store
Sugar cane is a beautiful plant. It’s actually a grass,
A sweet grass.
Go figure.
It takes a year for the cane to grow about 12 feet tall, and to reach maturity. Once the cane is ready for harvest, they burn it. They immediately cultivate the cane stalks, which are undamaged by the fire.
The harvesters are so precise with burning the leaves only, the undamaged stalks are loaded in 18-wheelers, which quickly transport the cane to dry storage.
They started burning the cane fields around 2:00 PM in the afternoon, and the trucks lined up, one after the other, hauling the loads all night. I heard the last truck pull out at 6:30 AM the next morning.
I’ve never seen anything like this in my life, and I want to share this with you.
I was standing at my front gate when I recorded this video. Turn up your volume to listen to the sounds.
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