I have been in the alternative health field since 1991. Actually, I was born into alternative health – I knew as a kid that given the right health tools, my body could heal itself pretty darn efficiently.
Over the years, I have come to realize that the key to maintaining good health is believing that you can stay healthy.
Here are two examples to show you that it can be done:
Healing Asthma

I have a client who came to me 20 years ago with debilitating asthma. Bill was taking all kinds of medications, using breathing treatments, and was dependent on an inhaler.
He panicked if he left his house without it in his pocket.
He wanted to be free of expensive medications to stay healthy.
We did a hair analysis on Bill to see what toxins were stressing his body and to determine what essential nutrients he was lacking; a loss of nutrients that stressed his body’s ability to heal and stay healthy on its own.
My work was done after I designed a nutritional program unique to Bill’s needs; now it was up to him to implement them.
The key to his success was to believe that he could succeed.
Well, Bill was determined to beat his asthma and stop his dependency on prescriptions in order to breath. His attitude was admirably positive, and I knew that he would succeed because he was committed to it.
And he did succeed.
Bill defeated his asthma because he believed that he could. By maintaining his nutritional program, he regained his health and is asthma-free to this day.

Lethal Depression
Sue came to me so depressed, she was afraid she would eventually commit suicide.
Oh my.
After doing a hair analysis to see what was going on inside of her body, we determined that Sue was totally depleted in the essential elements that supported her healthy brain function, such as lithium, germanium, and cobalt.
She was taking 3 different prescription medications for depression, but she swore that they were making her even more depressed. After reading their laundry-list of side-effects, it became clear that one of the side effects for all three meds was depression. Times three!

Then, we scrutinized her diet, and identified her daily use of aspartame diet sweetener as a source of her depression.
Sue drank a 6-pack of diet cola daily, and chewed sugar-free gum on a regular basis.
Oh my.
Sue was afraid to try anything new, but she was so worried about her level of depression that she made a commitment to follow her new nutritional program, and she stopped the diet sweeteners cold turkey.
She had strong withdrawal symptoms, but after three days of replacing her lithium, she began to feel like her old self again.
After 6-weeks, Sue was positive more than she was negative, and after 3 months, Sue was suffering little to no depression.
She was prescription-free, aspartame-free, and depression-free.
Sue’s recovery wasn’t easy, but she worked hard and stood tall against her fears and doubts. For the first time in a long time, Sue finally believed that she could defeat her deadly depression without medication – forever.
Positivity Is Healthy
If you want to change your life and improve your health for the better, you must believe that it can be done.
I can usually tell which of my nutrition clients will succeed, and which may not because those who believe that they can heal themselves and stay healthy are the ones that do.
It’s not easy changing your life or standing up to fear of failure or disagreeing with a negative diagnosis from your doctor; but when you research natural health and study alternative solutions, and if you believe that you can maintain good health using nutrition and positivity – you will succeed.
Don’t be surprised when it works!
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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.
Before taking vitamins, consult your doctor; pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking can affect how your body responds to multivitamins.