No one reading this is old enough to remember when margarine first came on the American market in 1870, but many of you might remember the 1960s when margarine was “heavily marketed” as a solution to evil butter.
Margarine was not a success in the Good Ole’ USA prior to the 60s because Americans were smart enough to know that real butter was a healthier, and historic, part of everyday life.
How did we lose this intellect, lowering our healthy IQ?
Through crafty marketing.
The demonizing of butter was “invented”, and they pushed it on the public until we started believing it.
They did the same thing with aspartame and the diet sugars.
Looking back at it, we lost our smarts believing their sale’s pitch. We have damaged the health of entire generations believing this Big Corp nonsense.
Why am I bringing up butter and margarine?
To make a point.
The “butter is bad for you” meme was the first major media blitz the Big Corps used to dumb consumers down.
This was followed by the diet sugar meme. Now vaccines. And fluoride. And microwaves. And, and, and.
Today, we are regaining our intelligence, though, and people are waking up and recognizing the unhealthy effects of margarine, and the diet sweeteners, vaccines, fluoride, microwaves, and, and, and.
Butter is finally pushing margarine’s unhealthy side-effects off the table. We have a long way to go concerning aspartame and the chemical sweeteners, but that’s a story for later.
How Margarine Lowers Your Healthy IQ
How did the margarine meme come about anyway?
As with the origins of most new inventions, margarine was a product of war. In 1869, Napoleon badly needed to find a replacement for butter. To this day, the French love good food and appreciate good wine, and Napoleon’s French troops were no exception. Butter was important to their moral (and pastries), but real butter spoiled, and it was expensive to ship to the troops in foreign countries.
So, the Emperor solicited a cheaper butter alternative that would benefit the lower classes and the military. Several “chemists and inventors” came up with alternatives, and hence, margarine was created as a cheap butter replacement to fool your palate.
Today, food manufacturers still promote margarine as better than butter, but I believe this is for higher profits, with little regard to its longterm health effects.
Your Margarine IQ

This is when your health IQ kicks in – do you really believe that fake butter is better for you?
I never did. My grandmother never did.
She lived to be 101 years old. Eating butter. And lard.
I’m not saying that we are smarter than anyone who is convinced that butter is evil and margarine is healthy. I AM saying that my grandmother and I didn’t buy into the marketing, and we listened to our common sense.
She lived to be 101 years old. Eating butter. And lard.
She was doing something right.
Your Fake Sugar IQ
I have been beating the sugar-free drum since 1991 when I almost died from aspartame toxicity. My book Sweet Poison first came on the market in 1997, and it is still selling today because it is the definitive “textbook” about the dangers of the diet sweeteners.
If you want to raise your health IQ, read Sweet Poison and learn why chemical sugars made in a laboratory will deteriorate your health.
I have written hundreds of articles about the dangers of the artificial sweeteners, and have been sharing this information for decades to help others “get their smarts on” and spread the word.

Vaccine IQ
The vaccine debate is a nasty one these days. Back in the 1950s, vaccines were not an issue, and refusing vaccines was never a concern of others.
A healthy way to look at this debate is through the way people viewed vaccines back in the day – if you chose to get vaccinated (back in the day), then you had nothing to worry about. If you were exposed to someone who chose not to vaccinate and, indeed got sick, you were immune because you were vaccinated.
So, what’s different today?
Many, including myself, believe that vaccine mandates are in place to boost corporate profits and government control; human safety is their last concern.
I question these mandates, and I think they are being pushed because most people will refuse vaccines; so hum … does this make sense to you?
From 1950 to today, there has been a 414% increase in the number of vaccines given to children in the USA.
In 1950, a child would have received 7 vaccines by the age of 6, and parents could opt out of these vaccines with no problems. Let’s fast forward to today, and click this link for the January 2017 Recommended Immunization Schedule for Children and Adolescents Aged 18 Years or Younger, CDC, US Gov.
Prior to the early 1960s, there was no formal nationwide vaccination program for Americans. Instead, vaccines were given mostly through private practice doctors. Vaccinations were usually paid for out of pocket, although some state and local governments provided block grants for local immunization programs for the poor.
All that began to change in 1962 when the Vaccination Assistance Act (VAA) went into effect. This laid the foundation for on-going federal financial support to states and local governments.
If you follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) endorsed annual childhood vaccine schedule, a child will receive over 36 vaccines by the time they are 6 years of age!
If you choose to vaccinate your family, do it. I support your freedom to choose. But, mirror that outlook and understand that the freedom to refuse a vaccine is just as healthy a right as succumbing to vaccines – stay smart and secure everyone’s freedom; it ultimately secures YOUR freedom.
And remember, if you are vaccinated, you have no worries.
Cancer Therapy IQ

Cancer is a topic that, to me, is as personal as someone’s religion or philosophy on life and death. So open your mind and never judge when it comes to another’s experience with cancer.
In my line of work, I have met many people who have stood tall against a cancer diagnosis and they beat it their own way. They cured their cancer using alternative methods and nutrition.
I wrote the Richardson Cancer Prevention Diet to document numerous case histories supporting this reality. The hardest part is believing that it can be done.
Today, the health benefits of cannabis in curing cancer is one of the most unjust political debates out there, and I recommend learning all that you can about the health benefits of cannabis oil in cancer treatment.
I do not do drugs in any form, including OTCs, but I highly recommend cannabis oil for people battling cancer.
Because I know too many people who have cured Stage IV cancer in a matter of months with cannabis oil.
How can anyone disagree with that?
It may not work for everyone, but you can at least try.
The politics of cancer over the past half a century has prevented our freedom to choose how we live and die in America.
This is disturbing.
Research all that you can. Learn all that you can.

Hair Analysis IQ
If you want to be really smart about your health, get a hair analysis once a year. This is a brilliant way to make sure that you have not been exposed to toxins that can accumulate inside of your body and cause health problems.
I was able to determine that my diagnosis of “Grave’s disease” in 1991 was an incorrect diagnosis when I had my first hair analysis done. I was then able to open many new doors when I began researching aspartame as the root cause of my near-death experience.
Needless to say, I am a big believer in having a hair analysis done, and many times, my clients get an A+ on their health results, showing that their efforts to maintain a clean and healthy lifestyle are indeed working for them.
It’s always good to know if you are exposed to toxins within your environment. This way, you can design solutions to remove them.
Off My Soapbox
OK, I’ll get off my soapbox now, but I hope that I have given you some food for thought.
Stay smart and wise concerning the things that you feel strongly about; study the things that you know little about; always learn more about the things you already know.
Wishing you the best in health.
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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.
Before taking vitamins, consult your doctor; pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking can affect how your body responds to multivitamins.