Your nose is a main portal where toxins enter your body. This is why people wear face masks. This is a good reason why you should flush your nose with saline when toxins are ambient.
The saline nasal flush home remedy can remove toxins from your nose, kill microbes, and keep your pH alkaline in your nose, and that can keep you from getting sick.
Follow Your Nose
Colds, the flu, and the Coronavirus are major concerns today. When contagious diseases are flying around in the air, it makes me want to sneeze just thinking about it.
Our planet has become saturated with both natural and man-made pollutants. Many people live in environments that are dirty and unhealthy. Like major cities.
These environments are where diseases can start and spread.

Toxins in Your Nose
So, what do you do about it?
When you are working to prevent catching a communicable disease, like a cold or the flu, keep your nasal cavity flushed with saline, and keep these toxins from making you sick.
If you are an urban dweller or live inland and are landlocked, take a healthy dunk in the ocean from your bathroom sink.
If toxins can’t enter your body through your nose, then they can’t get deeper inside of your body.
Natural sea salt is a wonderful solution to this problem. Why do you think people retire next to the ocean?
Taking a healthy dunk in the waves cleans out your nose and sinuses. When you get salt water in your eyes and up your nose, you tend to blow a lot of mucous out. Right?
Sea mammals and people living by the ocean don’t have the allergy issues that people living in highly populated cities have because there is saline in the air and in the ocean water when you live by the sea.

I don’t live next to the ocean, but I keep sea salt and a cup of warm water next to my bathroom sink whenever I feel a head cold coming on. I snuff warm salt water up my nose, splash it in my eyes, and swish it around my mouth to prevent getting a cold or the flu.
Do this regularly if you are afraid of the Coronavirus.
It helps with allergies and dry eye, too. It is safe to flush your eyes with this solution to cleanse your eyes and eye lids of pollutants, and it works on eye styes.
Plus, you can avoid using manufactured, and expensive, eye drops.
A saline flush can be compared to taking a healthy dunk in the ocean. There is no difference in getting salt water in your eyes using a flush than from swimming in the ocean.

Saline Flush
Warm salt water flushes your nose, your sinus cavity, and drains into your throat to remove toxins at the back of your mouth.
Some people use bottled saline solutions as a nose flush because they don’t like snuffing the salty water up their noses. If I think I am getting sick, I hit it hard with my nasal flush recipe.

Nasal Flush Recipe
Do this as often as needed to remove toxins, allergens, and other microbes.
- 1-cup filtered or distilled water
- 1/2-tsp sea salt
- Mix around 1/2 tsp sea salt in 1-cup warm water;
- Dissolve;
- Pour the saline solution into the palm of your hand and sniff the solution up one nostril at a time;
- Repeat as often as necessary to sterilize your nasal passages, and blow your nose as needed.
As more pollutants and mysterious viruses saturate our air these days, try to keep your sinuses as clean as you can using a saline nasal flush.
Or, go take a dunk in the ocean.

If you want to learn more about disease prevention, contact me at janethull.com. Remember that you are never alone when you are looking for good health!
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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.
Before taking vitamins, consult your doctor; pre-existing medical conditions or medications you are taking can affect how your body responds to multivitamins.
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