Q: Oh man. It's autumn, and as beautiful as it is in Iowa right now, my family's allergies are out of control. How would you handle a pollen allergy in a 4 year old boy? My son is suffering big …
Healthy News
Magnesium Isn’t Just For Your Bones
Magnesium is a very popular vitamin, and many of you take it, but periodically check your magnesium levels to confirm that you need an extra supplement. Up to 75% of Americans may be magnesium …
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How To Shrink Your Lumps And Bumps
Many people have lumps and bumps somewhere between head to toe. They don't hurt. They're just annoying .... and lumpy. Most of the time, these "cysts" are harmless, but if you tend to get them, …
How To Know If You Need Salt Or Not
Have you been told to avoid salt? Many people avoid salt, but salt has been the victim of some bad press. It's not the salt as much as needing to monitor the type of sodium that you use. Salt is …
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Make Sure Your Vitamin C is NOT From Corn
The best form of vitamin C is very old - very old. It's original, you could say. Back in the golden days, vitamin C powders were all made from the Sago Palm or from cherries. And boy, they were …
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Why You Get Muscle Cramps
I am writing you in pain. I am getting as many as 30-40 cramps a day, and boy do they hurt. What's happening to me? They can be anywhere on my body, except I never get them on my hands or arms. I …