Join me on the Wellness Wednesday Live Stream with Bold and Beyond Wednesday February 12, 2020 at 12:00 PM CST. We're talking about the Coronavirus, and I'll go into what it is, where it is going, …
Healthy News
Foods That Boost Your Memory
Can your diet affect your memory? Well, yes. Just read about the side-effects from using aspartame in my book Sweet Poison. So, your diet DOES affect your memory. Studies at the Cleveland …
Case History: It’s All Over The House
Dear Dr. Hull, Hi, I'm Chuck from Farmington, and am a 49-year old male. I have been consuming aspartame since I was 12, in 1983. My health symptoms started after I started using aspartame. I …
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What A Diet Really Means To YOU
Are you on a "diet?" Before you start yet another diet, think about what a diet really means. Begin a diet keeping in mind that diet means a permanent eating plan. And to be realistic, there is no …
Why Portions Matter And How To Control Them
If you were on a budget and taking the kids out for a quick bite to eat after a long day at work, which fast-food restaurant would you choose? Restaurant A serves a 2.8-ounce hamburger (no …
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Don’t Eat The Chemicals In Your Refrigerator
Is there is a mix of chemical compounds, created in a laboratory, sitting in your refrigerator ready to be eaten? You know that they are unnatural to eat, and that they were never meant to enter …
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