Avoid These Two Food Additives To Preserve Your Gut
Want a tip if you need to reset your gut biome? Well, avoid the following. Potassium sorbate Sodium benzoate If you carefully read your labels, you'll see these around. They are commonly …
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The Health Benefits Of Cinnamon – Ceylon Versus Saigon
Cinnamon is the second most popular spice, after black pepper, in the United States and Europe. There are two main types of cinnamon: cassia (typically labeled Saigon cinnamon) and Ceylon. Ceylon …
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Don’t Panic If You Catch A Cold
This winter if you catch a cold - don't panic. Can you remember what it was like to simply have a head cold before COVID came into existence? No one wants to get sick, but we've been programmed to …
5 Simple Ways To Protect Your Heart
We are hearing more about heart attacks, strokes, and blood clots these days. We are also learning about sudden deaths, especially among teenagers and young children. Are these connected? Between …
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Allergies And Why They Are Getting Worse
It seems like everyone is having an issue with allergies these days. What's causing an increase in a stuffy nose, pesky coughs, watery eyes, or a sore throat? In my opinion, people's immune systems …
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