I recently received some very good questions about B17. I want to share them with you because the health benefits of B17 are never going away, and we can always learn more about its health …
How Colas Deplete Your Calcium
Do you know WHY colas, soda pop, or soft drinks, whatever you call them, deplete your body of calcium? Carbonated beverages offer you nothing nutritionally. I compare carbonated soft drinks in the …
How Many Salads Do You Eat Every Day?
Ah, salad. Salads are a very important part of your daily diet. Everyone knows how much I promote eating raw, and having a salad every day that’s filled with all kinds of goodies is an excellent way …
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Case History: A Severe Reaction To Splenda®
Dr. Hull: this is my story. I am a young 34 year old with 3 children. I began to have strange things happen to me. To list a few: no energy, a feeling of pins and needles in my right arm and …
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Do You Want To Know Why You Are Hungry All The Time?
Most people don’t feel satisfied after eating a sugar-free snack or meal. Do you? Many scientific studies have proven why you don’t feel full. I included many of these studies in my book Sweet …
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Vital And Vibrant Vitamin C
Vitamin C. I just can’t say enough about how important this vitamin is to your health. The most affective forms of vitamin C are Acerola and Ascorbic Acid NOT from highly processed corn or corn …