The benefits of B vitamins may not be the hottest topic on the web, but it surely is an important one for your physical and mental health. The B vitamins could be a life-saver, too. B Vitamins Many B …
An Aging Prostate
As men age, their testosterone levels fall and the chance for prostate issues goes up accordingly. Research shows that the higher your testosterone level stays, the lower your rate of prostate …
Headaches + Depression = Depleted Lithium
Do you know what your lithium levels are? Are you experiencing headaches, anxiety or depression? Well, your headaches and malaise may be from depleted lithium levels, and this can be a …
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The Essential Nonessential Nutrients
Essential nutrients are nutrients from food that your body is unable to make on its own. The counterparts to the essential nutrients are the accessory nutrients also called nonessential …
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The Nutrients Your Body Can’t Make
There are certain things that are mandatory for our survival, and essential nutrients are some of them. The big deal about essential nutrients is that your body is unable to manufacture them on its …
Ask Dr. Hull
Q: In Need Of Brain Nutrients I am in the process of researching a small number of brain supplements that will help me protect and nurture my brain...I am a DAV WWII veteran and have had a number of …