Most people I know are watching their weight – no matter if they need to or not. The weight loss trend is a multi-billion dollar industry – from diet sodas to personal trainers to lap-band surgery and tummy tucks.
But, did you know that weight loss can be as easy as eating the right type of foods, and here’s the key – eat 1/2 the portions that you are used to eating.
This results in weight loss without eating diet, toxic chemicals; without starving your body of needed nutrients eating fake foods; and without fearing weight gain from eating real food.
Your stomach is about the size of your hand, so when you eat, don’t consume more than what can fit into your hand.
In the USA, we eat massive amounts of food, especially when eating out. People feel cheated if they spend their money on tiny portions. We have come to expect baskets of fried chips with hot sauce at Mexican restaurants; we are served appetizers of shiny, hot garlic bread with dipping sauces when eating at a favorite Italian bistro.
And fries? French fries are now served in mounds, hidden under a volcano of cheese, meat, and sour cream.
Enough said.
Stuff It
Eating out often, preparing processed foods in the microwave, snacking from the vending machines everyday, turning to diet sweeteners as a solution, and over-eating is herding most people toward some sort of diet.
Most of us already know that a healthy diet means eating mostly fresh and raw foods, cutting out the simple carbs, avoiding sugar and rancid, hydrogenated oils, and exercising regularly.
What isn’t stressed enough is cutting your portions in half; eat less at one sitting, and eat smaller portions more often throughout the day.
To me, THIS is the key to success while still enjoying a good meal.
If you do this, you might walk away from the table less satisfied at first, and still feel hungry, but after a few days, your stomach will begin to shrink, and you will become more satisfied, day by day.
Do your best to never leave the table stuffed.
Trust me. Try it!
Eat When You’re Hungry
Here’s another great tip:
About every three hours, the handful of food from your last meal will be digested, and your body should have little to nothing left over to pack on as weight and stored fat.
The less that you eat at one sitting means that less will be left over to pack on extra weight. After a few hours, your body will signal you with hunger when it’s ready for more food fuel.
So eat.
If you provide your body the fuel that it needs, but in small amounts, you will experience:
- a steady stream of energy,
- less cravings for simple carbs;
- less binging on junk foods,
- better sleep,
- less weight gain.
Most every animal on the planet grazes, you know.
Think about eating less as nibbling. If you are nibbling throughout the day, and eating 1/2 the amount of food at one nibble, you’ll feel the difference.
Nibbling Tips
- Shop at the store more often to buy fresh foods; fresh foods are less fattening, and more filling;
- Avoid eating pre-packaged, processed foods that are loaded with chemicals, fake sugars, colorings, rancid fats, and GMOs. Your body does not digest chemicals very well, and many times, your body simply stores these undigestible chemicals and fats – this results in weight gain;
- Never eat while driving; pull over and find a picnic table if you have to, but slow it down when you eat;
- Take smaller bites and chew your food thoroughly;
- Have fresh, low-carb snacks available whenever you get hungry;
- Do not drink liquids when you eat (wine is an exception); drinks wash away the digestive enzymes in your saliva;
- If you make a sandwich, eat half at the first sitting, and the other half three hours or so later;
- If you have trouble sleeping, eat a very small healthy snack, preferably a protein;
- When you feel hungry, drink a glass of water, or a healthy flavored tea; many times hunger may mean thirst.
I highly recommend the book Eat Right 4 Your Type. Author Peter D’Adamo connects your blood type with the types of foods that your body needs to stay healthy, and this typically keeps the weight off. If you are eating the right type of foods for your body’s make-up, most of that food should be burned as body fuel, with little remaining.
Fear Of Food
This modern-day diet craze has created a fear of food.
Remember that being skinny does not necessarily mean “healthy.”
If you have healthy eating habits, and if you move your body every day (exercise), under normal circumstances, your body should maintain the weight that it needs to stay healthy, young, and vibrant.
Don’t fear your food. Don’t judge yourself by your weight if you are eating right and choosing quality foods in smaller portions.
Appreciate the healthy foods that are available to you. Enjoy eating in halves.
Bon Appetite.
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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is educational in nature. The FDA may not have evaluated some of the statements. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes to your dietary program.