The 6,000-year-old process of baking bread hasn’t changed much. But, the ingredients surely have. When grains are properly prepared through soaking, sprouting or sour leavening, the friendly …
Healthy News
Sugar-Free, Pectin-Free Strawberry Rhubarb Jam
My grandmother used to make a strawberry-rhubarb jam. Talk about healthy!! It was great on her homemade biscuits, too. Here's an easy at-home recipe from to duplicate those …
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Stevia Used To Treat Diabetes And Gum Disease
Stevia has been used as a traditional remedy for diabetes and gum disease among the indigenous people of Paraguay and other South American countries for over 1,500-recorded years. Scientific …
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Do You Have A Craving For Chocolate?
You know - life is full of little pleasures, and enjoying chocolate is one of them. If you have a sweet tooth, that is. Chocolate The simple pleasure of eating chocolate with 80% cocoa several times …
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Water Is Life
Back in 2010, I remember listening to an interview with Dr. Masaru Emoto on his thoughts about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and how we could all help. Although his theories have been highly …
Aspartame’s Methanol – Proving A Health Hazard
Aspartame and methanol go hand in hand. When you study the effects of aspartame, you are studying the effects of methanol. The Trocho study is one such study. Supported by the Bosch & Gimpera …
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