There's a new buzzword today - it's called FatPhobia. Originally, FatPhobia was defined as a pathological fear of being fat, but the sign of the times today is changing this …
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Alternative Health and Holistic Nutrition
There's a new buzzword today - it's called FatPhobia. Originally, FatPhobia was defined as a pathological fear of being fat, but the sign of the times today is changing this …
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Hola, Dr. Hull. I am writing you from New Mexico to let you know that if it weren't for your work, I would never have been able to help my wife. My wife and I are both 55 years old, and it took me a …
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Did you know that every evening between 9 - 11 p.m. your body cleans your blood and disposes blood toxins into your lymph nodes for removal? So, put your feet up and spend the evenings relaxing, …
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Sodium is critical to stay alive, and it is one of the basic elements from which your body is made. Every cell in your body depends on sodium, which circulates in your body fluid from cell to cell …
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Have you ever wondered why your dog or cat never catch a cold? Horses and turtles never get the flu. Well, most every animal makes their own vitamin C in their livers, and they make more if …
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What do you do when truth and knowledge is suppressed and forgotten? You do what you can to get the truth out there for people to see. When I first wrote Sweet Poison, my publisher had me on a …
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