We're hearing more and more about an issue that we rarely knew much about - Myocarditis. After you listen to cardiologists sharing the increasing statistics today, you need to dig deeper into this …
Ask Dr. Hull: Aspartame, Sorbitol, and Ace-K
Q: Exposing The Dangers Of Aspartame How can one persuade people and governments about the evil and danger of aspartame? A: From Dr. Hull Sadly, our governments have not done anything about the …
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Diet Sweeteners Make Your Body Work Harder
When you ingest a toxin, your body has to work harder to eliminate it. It's a natural toxin therapy. And the stress on your body increases if you use diet sweeteners. If you are diabetic or …
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How Sugar Is Processed – From Sweet Grass To Your Tabletop
I never imagined that I'd wind up living on a wildlife preserve across the road from sugar cane fields - here I am, an artificial sweetener expert living amid sugar cane grown for the sugar …
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And The Sweetener War Goes On – Who Do You Believe?
Today, the past proves the future. Confused? We all are today, but the past IS proving the future, and it's very eery. As a diet sweetener expert, I can see this clearly. I was on the frontlines 40 …
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Avoid Cancer Causing Food Chemicals
We have all figured out that today's food supply is becoming more and more toxic. There are fat substitutes, artificial sweeteners, and GMOs taking over our food supply. What's worse is when they are …
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